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Showing posts from December, 2017

Period Products Should Be Considered First Aid and Here is Why

Photo: During the first week of university, Ana, not her real name, had a full day of classes with no free time between each lecture. Slight past noon, she felt the dreaded familiar pain that encroaches every month: the “period” is here. Ana rushed to the bathroom to which she quickly realized that she didn’t have tampons or pads with her, not even spare change for the tampon dispensary installed in the bathrooms. If she goes off to find feminine products, she will be very late to her favorite class taught by her favorite professor. What makes it justifiable for a person to have to weigh if their physical ---bleeding--- first aid emergency is a priority? Ana is one of many women who shared their stories about lack of accessibility to feminine hygiene products with, an organization dedicated to making menstrual supplies readily accessible everywhere. Women all over the country must endure embarrassment, humiliation, and emotional o...